The Catlins.

9 december 2017 - Dunedin, Nieuw-Zeeland

We are still behind with our story. On the 5th of December we arrived at a farm called Greenwood in the Catlins where we should stay for two nights. As we have told we had dinner with our Dutch friends and it took ages before the meal was served. "No worries" as they say over here. We had so much to talk about anyway! But coming back to Greenwood everyone had a label on the door that breakfast was served at 7.30! So we had to go to bed immediately. Some decided to take their shower after breakfast but it was the idea that we should leave the B&B immediately after breakfast. The lady in the house had so much to do. At 73 she was stil teaching ( retiring now)!
we felt very unwelcome. She apologised later in the day. Actually we stayed that evening for dinner as well since she had other guests who had ordered a meal so Per and I decided to join. Our most expensive meal on the whole trip! However, we got out of the house and drove to take a look at a nearby waterfall called Papatowai waterfalls. I would not say it was spectacular, but worthwhile to have seen. The next stop was Curio Bay. This place is famous for its petrified trees. It is hard to describe, but it is an interesting phenomenon. On the other side of the road one could walk through the living forrest, which we also did. After a stop at a charming cafe The Old School, we drove on to Nugget Point and managed to see some seals and one yellow eyed Pinguin before returning to Greenwood. We shared the meal with the family and two other guests from Germany. Father Niels and daughter Leonie. She had done a year highs school in Auckland.
Next morning of course an early breakfast at 7.30 before we left for Dunedin.

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1 Reactie

  1. Heidi:
    8 december 2017
    Thank you for shearing your stories with us. Enjoy your trip and we are looking foreward to hear more.
    Best regards Heidi with family